Following the devastating Hamas attacks on October 7, the Israeli military has published footage purportedly showing the transfer of hostages into Gaza’s main hospital. One of...
Jimmy Carter’s former wife, former US First Lady Rosalynn Carter, passed away at the age of ninety-six. In a statement, the Carter Centre attested to the...
A failure occurred on Saturday, around eight minutes after launch, during SpaceX’s unmanned Starship rocket’s second integrated flight test. As part of a scheduled ninety-minute test...
The hat worn by Napoleon Bonaparte brought well over $2 million at auction. In contrast, a collection of Princess Diana’s gowns brought in $1.2 million at...
Javier Milei, a well-known proponent of Israel and a libertarian running for president of Argentina, has said that he wants to become a Jew. However, he...
Hungary’s total opposition to the entire package of measures has put a stop to negotiations on the EU’s twelfth round of anti-Russian sanctions, according to a...
According to video released by the Israeli military, the al-Shifa hospital includes a “55-meter-long terror tunnel that is 10 metres deep underneath.” “Clearly proving that numerous...
Following a visit to the facility, the World Health Organisation (WHO) labelled the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City a “death zone”. After the hospital was evacuated...
According to Sotheby’s, the latest spirit to fetch bids over millions of dollars in recent years, the world’s “most sought-after” bottle of Scotch whisky sold for...
In order to reach the stranded labourers in northern India, emergency services are operating around the clock. On Thursday, efforts to free 40 workers who are...