Jasmine, the daughter of renowned actor John Okafor, also known as Mr Ibu, has announced the dissolution of her nine-month marriage to MD. On Monday, she...
A $5 million mansion was given to DJ Cuppy, a well-known music jockey and the daughter of billionaire Femi Otedola, for her 30th birthday. DJ Cuppy,...
In memory of his late son Ifeanyi Adeleke, popular Nigerian artist David Adeleke, nicknamed Davido, has postponed his forthcoming Are We African Yet (A.W.A.Y) festival. The...
A television series on the imprisoned Ramon Olorunwa Abass, also known as Hushpuppi, will soon be released, according to 50 Cent, a well-known American rapper and...
In a new song that was published on Tuesday and features YBNL artist Asake, Nigerian singer Tiwa Savage addressed her leaked sex tape. In October 2021,...