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Youths from Yobe protest the increase in rape, kidnapping and other crimes in Northern Nigeria



Concerned by the increase in rape cases, kidnappings, and declining educational standards in Northern Nigeria, a group of young people in Potiskum, Yobe State, organised a nonviolent protest to urge authorities to take appropriate action to solve the social issues.

Comrade Aliyu Haruna, the group’s leader, indicated to reporters during a press conference that the demonstration was being held to urge the relevant authorities to take action.

“We simply began this peaceful protest in light of the declining quality of education in the North, as well as security gaps where young, helpless, innocent, and underprivileged girls are being raped,” he stated.

‘Stop Killing #Brothers and Sisters in the North,’ ‘End Kidnapping, Raping,’ and ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ were among the slogans that the young protesters carried on their banners.

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