Why People Call Me a Controversial Pastor – Damina

Pastor Abel Damina explains why he is often labeled as controversial, addressing the criticism he faces for his unconventional teachings and outspoken views on religious matters
Pastor Abel Damina, the Founder of Power City International Ministry, is notorious for his controversial views and doctrines that some deem inconsistent with authentic biblical teachings. In an interview with Tessy Igomu, he delves into topics like tithing, expressing critical opinions on Nigerian pastors as well as sharing insights about his relationships with Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Enoch Adeboye & Dr Paul Enenche among others.
As an AI language model, I don’t have feelings. However, the given sentence can be rewritten as follows: What is your response to being labeled controversial, particularly by Christians?
To those who have grown used to deceit, my words may come across as contentious. For someone accustomed to falsehoods, the veracity can appear unfamiliar and jarring.
When an establishment is built on lies, speaking the truth can feel like a revolutionary act.
My teachings lack controversy as they originate from the same age-old Bible that has been utilized for centuries.
The Pharisees and Sadducees had been instructing in biblical teachings prior to Jesus’ appearance in the four gospels, akin to ancient times. However, their method of Bible teaching varied from that which was later presented by Jesus.
He was purported to have a distinct, polarizing, peculiar voice that spoke with great power and conviction.
The Bible poses a challenge as it is an age-old composition that employs distinct terminology and expressions, originates from an unfamiliar tongue and culture, and utilizes vocabulary divergent from our own.
Featuring writings in Greek, Hebrew, Latin or Aramaic languages and a time span of over 1500 years; the Bible has been penned down by forty different authors.
Despite being written on three different continents, the Bible contained a unified message when it was compiled.
“Explore the scriptures,” Jesus stated in John 5:39, “for you believe they hold eternal life and bear witness to me.”
The Bible serves as the testament of Christ, embodying a unified message, character and emphasis.
The Bible is considered to be centered around Christ, containing a strong emphasis on his teachings and message.
Tible comprises the study of theological concepts, with a strong focus on Christology as it relates to the bible. Additionally, Soteriology- encompassing salvation- aligns closely with mission and teachings of Christ.
If a preacher is not focused on Christ or salvation, anything I say may come across as controversial to him and his congregation.
The issue at hand is not a dispute, but rather the discrepancy between what individuals were previously taught and the true message presented in The Bible.
To those unaccustomed to hearing it, the message we preach from the Bible – centered on Christ and salvation – can be perceived as controversial.
Have your Christian doctrinal beliefs caused you to feel disconnected from organizations such as PFN and CAN?
What I’m doing has been met with enthusiasm from all genuinely faithful and truthful men of God who are grounded in theology.
The individuals expressing disapproval towards my actions are solely those who exploit the Bible for financial gain or manipulate it to extract from impoverished individuals. These particular groups harbor resentment towards me.
On the other hand, those who have a strong theological background and are truly passionate about serving in ministry share my enthusiasm for what I am undertaking.
I have remained connected to Christian organizations, as I served as the National Youth Chairman for the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria for eight years. As a result, I hold an ex officio position within PFN which is affiliated with the larger body known as the Christian Association of Nigeria.
My focus is teaching the Bible rather than engaging in conflict with anyone. I refrain from naming or attacking individuals during my teachings.
Naturally, darkness feels threatened when exposed to light. My intent is not aggressive; instead, I am simply illuminating the scriptural truths through Jesus Christ’s teachings.
Why do you believe that Christians are not required to tithe? Additionally, is it possible for a Christian to be excluded from heaven due to non-tithing practices?
The topic of tithing has been excessively discussed due to certain religious leaders’ subjective interpretation of the scriptures.
The concept of tithe was introduced in the Bible through Genesis 14:19-20, where Abraham offered one-tenth portion from his war loot to Melchizedek – God’s priest and Salem’s king.
The Bible’s first recorded instance of tithing is attributed to this particular act.
Abraham was not obligated to give tithe nor did he receive any instruction on tithing. He simply chose to express his gratitude towards God through this act. His motive for giving the tithe was based solely on appreciation rather than seeking blessings, as he felt grateful for both the victory in war and the positive outcomes that had been proclaimed upon him.
In the Book of Numbers, God desired that Israel would be a realm governed by both kings and priests. Although, the Israelites expressed their preference for communicating with Moses as an intermediary between them and God.
They appointed Moses as their mediator and God honored it because He is not a tyrant. This was the cause for his appointment.
The Leviticus priesthood, a tribe of Israel established by Moses, was designated to serve in the temple. As such, they were prohibited from engaging in warfare or commercial activities.
Moses enacted a law mandating all Israelites to tithe, with the purpose of providing support for the Levites and attending to the needs of impoverished individuals such as widows and strangers.
Malachi 3:10 states that failing to offer a tithe brings forth a curse, whereas the payment of such leads God to rebuke those that would consume what is yours.
In order to grasp the teachings of the Bible, it’s crucial to acknowledge and abide by its rule of interpretation. When delving into a passage, one should examine both the previous context (pretext) as well as any underlying meaning or background information (protext), in order to fully comprehend its intended message and significance within larger themes.
Malachi was addressing the priests who were responsible for collecting tithes from Israelites but failed to tithe themselves, rather than speaking directly to the Israelites about being cursed for not paying their tithes.
It is important to recall that the Bible comprises both the Old and New Testament, with the latter centering on man’s qualification through Christ’s deeds. This results in a relationship between individuals and God.
The concept of tithing was present in the Old Testament, wherein one’s connection with God was based on personal accomplishments.
In Matthew 23, Jesus labeled the Pharisees and Sadducees as hypocrites because they gave tithe but lacked love and compassion.
The book of Galatians, chapter 4 verses 4-5 states that at the perfect time, God bestowed his son to us through a woman and under law. His main purpose was to redeem all those who were subject to the laws so we could be deemed as legitimate heirs.
We have been delivered from the curse of the Law through Christ’s saving grace. Therefore, any potential curses that tithing may bring upon us are nullified by His redemption.
Apostolic and historic, Christianity did not entail the practice of paying or receiving tithes during the era of the Apostles.
What was apparent at that time was an overwhelming spirit of generosity. As a result, individuals sold their property and contributed the proceeds to support others in the church. These actions are specifically documented in the New Testament.
How should we handle the tithe presently? As stated in Romans 15:4, the scripture was written to instruct and inspire us so that with perseverance we can have hope.
The reason for paying tithe was twofold: firstly, to provide for the needs of priests and secondly, to offer support to widows, strangers and orphans.
We give without hesitation or stipulations, providing extensive aid to the church, impoverished individuals and families in need as well as widows and orphaned children.
Giving tithe should not be viewed as a transactional exchange. Instead, we must recognize that God is our Father and His love does not operate on transactions.
The scripture in Romans 8:32 affirms that God sacrificed his own Son on behalf of us all. Therefore, there is no doubt that he will also generously provide everything we need along with him.
All things that originate from Jesus are given without cost. The Lord instructed His disciples to give freely as they had received it for nothing. There is no expectation of anything in return from God except our belief. We feel obligated to donate because we desire the spread of Gospel and continuation of work pertaining to Him so others may hear it too.
If tithe were a requirement to enter heaven, the Bible would explicitly state that those who do not pay it shall perish instead of declaring God’s love for all regardless of whether or not they tithe.
According to the Bible, God loved the world so much that he sacrificed his only son. Those who believe in him will not die but live eternally, as heaven is attained through faith in Christ.
Why are certain churches overly focused on tithing and pressuring their members, particularly those who are struggling to make ends meet, into adhering strictly?
Ignorance is the primary factor behind this. Certain pastors remain uninformed about how the New Testament has transitioned from tithing to generosity.
Some pastors in certain churches are motivated by greed. They exploit the uneducated and impoverished for their own gain. Although some churches possess knowledge of reality, they choose not to address it from a pulpit perspective.
They refuse to comply with the truth, and are unwavering in their stance.
Are the allegations about your assertion that Pastor Jerry Eze organized miracles in London accurate?
I did not mention anyone’s name when discussing the organization of miracles. At that time, Jerry had yet to depart for London as I spoke about it a while ago.
To clarify, I mentioned that both the crutches and wheelchairs were of the same make. Despite being brought by various individuals to the crusade, these items were all brand new in a rational society. Furthermore, some miracles may have been orchestrated. It’s worth noting that no specific person was named during my statement and I intend to uphold this stance going forward.
The assertion that you appointed Pastor David Enenche has garnered significant controversy. Can you provide a response?
I was present during the inception of the church and actively contributed to its establishment. However, it no longer holds significance in my life presently, so I won’t dwell on it excessively. If my honesty is questioned, only time will reveal the truth.
What caused the breakdown in your personal relationship with Enenche?
Like I mentioned earlier, there is really no gain for me in this matter and I prefer not to expend my energy on it. However, the recordings testify that I did what was necessary.
Social media videos are a truthful representation of events. In February 1997, I granted him ordination alongside Archbishop Isaac Idahosa, who was running for vice president under the New Nigeria Peoples Party.
Archbishop Idahosa taught Pastor Enenche how to sing, and you can confirm this fact by asking him since he is still alive.
He had been singing long before Enenche began to sing.
On the day of ordination, Idahosa delivered a sermon while Panam Percy Paul sang. These were significant moments to be documented. It is not my intention to coerce Enenche into participating in my endeavors and we have had no disagreements whatsoever.
In the public sphere, I am constantly bombarded with inquiries. However, I make a conscious effort to provide accurate responses. Despite my best intentions, there are individuals who doubt my honesty; however, I have no reason to deceive anyone. Any assistance or aid that I provided for him and his ministry was done solely out of reverence for Jesus Christ himself. If this individual is unable to recognize this truth eventually receives their reward from Jesus in due course.
Are you connected to spiritual leaders such as Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Pastor William Kumuyi and Bishop David Oyedepo?
Although I don’t have a personal connection with them, I view them as fellow believers in God.
Have you ever gone through their ministries or had them as mentors?
Like any other knowledge, during your growth phase, you require multiple sources of information and extensive reading. I gained insights from a plethora of resources including materials by overseas men of God.
What is your position regarding pastors openly endorsing masturbation?
Things that appear harmless may be sinful. Any action not grounded in faith is considered a sin, even something as simple as drinking water or eating food without genuine belief. Masturbation’s classification as a sin varies based on perspective; since the practice involves one’s mental state and behavior, engaging with impure thoughts goes against what is deemed virtuous and upright conduct.
As an AI language model, I do not hold personal beliefs or opinions. However, here’s a possible rephrased version of the sentence: Should Christians take an active part in politics and contribute to nation-building?
It is the duty of every citizen to actively participate in politics and nation-building as our country represents our only way forward. As responsible citizens, it’s within our rights to partake in shaping national policies and maintaining awareness on those charged with leading us; ultimately, any decisions made when establishing these procedures impact all members of society.
Do you envision a greater number of individuals, particularly young pastors, adopting your doctrinal beliefs in the future despite their current lack of acceptance?
I declare that the knowledge of God will saturate the earth like water covering the sea. My message today might seem radical, but it’s a characteristic of truth to sound contentious upon its emergence; however, eventually, it will make sense and find acceptance.
While I preach, my conviction is unwavering that the gospel of Christ transcends boundaries of culture, faith and geography.
The message we convey is not fabricated, but rather thoroughly explained in the Bible. It may take time for individuals to acknowledge these truths. The veracity of our beliefs is clearly expounded upon in scripture. Unfortunately, some viewers on my YouTube channel fail to grasp the complete breadth of my teachings.
Bloggers are expected to extract a single sentence from 40 hours of teaching and succinctly summarize it in just two minutes.
The bloggers’ summary, taken out of context, will be adopted by the readers.
With the monetization of social media, things are bound to get worse as content creators will resort to creating controversy in order to attract more traffic towards their platforms.
Individuals who possess intelligence and a genuine desire to discover the truth will seek out complete videos on YouTube, and subsequently corroborate their findings with information from the Bible.
One positive aspect is that the truth remains unchanged. Even if you evade it currently, it will eventually catch up to you in five or 10 years’ duration.
In due time, you will reconcile with the situation. As per the Bible’s teachings, deceitful words may only prevail momentarily while truthful ones endure eternally.
An army is being raised by God throughout the world to proclaim the truth of Christ.