Why National Grid Broke Down for the First Time in Nearly a Year – TCN

“The incident notwithstanding, TCN is determined to continue doing its best to ensure grid stability.”
According to the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), a fire outbreak is to blame for the most recent failure of the country’s energy grid.
The TCN explained the cause of the event and noted that although the grid had failed earlier in the day and multiple distribution businesses had confirmed the development, Thursday’s development is the first in almost a year.
Ndidi Mbah, the agency’s general manager of public affairs, said in a statement on Thursday afternoon that “meanwhile, the collapse that occurred after a fire incident on Kanji/Jebba 330kV line 2 is being investigated, with a view to forestalling future occurrence and invariably further strengthening the grid.”
She stated that the reason the TCN had been able to keep the grid stable for more than 421 days was “because it developed and deployed in-house stop-gap measures and tools that it has continued to use to manage the nation’s grid, ensuring its stability”.
TCN is assuring Nigerians that “grid restoration nationwide is in progress and has reached advanced stages with power supply now available in the West, North Central, South, East, and a large portion of the Northern parts of the country” in the wake of the latest incident.
Despite an initial setback in the grid repair operation, the organisation insisted that “another collapse does not result from this.”
“Difficulties could come up during any grid restoration effort. This occurred today as the grid restoration was taking place, however it was quickly fixed, according to TCN.
Despite the incident, TCN is committed to doing everything in its power to maintain grid stability, the company declared.