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Tips for Getting First Class in Higher Institution



Discover top tips and methods to get first class grades in every course during your higher education journey.

To attain a first-rate degree in higher education, one must display unwavering commitment, plan thoughtfully and act with persistence. This all-inclusive manual is designed to assist you in excelling across your academic pursuits:

1. Make sure you don’t miss any of your lectures.

Attending all lectures is crucial for achieving academic success. Make sure to attend each one to remain up-to-date with course material and grasp the lecturer’s emphasis on important subjects.


2. Position yourself in between the rows one and four.

To minimize distractions, stay focused and see/hear the lecturer clearly, try sitting in one of the first four rows in class.

3. Create a group for tutorials.

Forming a study group with committed classmates and convening regularly to discuss, review and comprehend course materials can significantly enhance your comprehension of the subject matter. Collaborative learning is known for its highly effective approach in fostering knowledge sharing as well as problem-solving among peers.


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4. Make sure you finish all of your assignments.

Completing and submitting assignments on time is a vital aspect of the learning process. It’s essential to view them as chances to solidify your comprehension and enhance your abilities.

5. Solve previous question papers.


A tried-and-tested method for preparing for exams is to practice with previous exam papers. It’s recommended that you attempt the questions from the past seven years’ worth of courses, as this will enable you to get accustomed to their format, identify key areas, and better manage your time during actual tests.

6. Living on campus? Consider adopting the Triangular Method for optimal experience.

Achieving sustained success requires a balance between your academic and personal life. This equilibrium can be attained by using the triangular method, which includes:

To excel in your courses, it is important to allocate consistent and concentrated study periods.


Make sure to attend all lectures and actively participate in each one.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important to set aside time for personal relaxation, pursuing hobbies and engaging in social activities.

7. Ask God for guidance through prayer.

Your academic journey can be greatly aided by receiving spiritual guidance and support. Engaging in regular prayer can bestow you with motivation, strength, as well as a sense of inner-peace.


If you remain dedicated and consistent in following these steps, accomplishing a first-class degree for all your courses is possible. Staying focused and working diligently should be accompanied by maintaining equilibrium with life to successfully attain your academic aspirations.

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