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Reading: Tinubu to Protesters: “EndBadGovernance, My Heart is Heavy
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Tinubu to Protesters: “EndBadGovernance, My Heart is Heavy

David Akinyemi
David Akinyemi 433 Views

Discover Tinubu’s plea to EndBadGovernance protesters, urging them to end the protests as his heart grows heavy with concern.

On Sunday, President Bola Tinubu spoke to Nigerians about the ongoing nationwide protests against adversity.

Starting from August 1, Nigerians – with a heavy representation of the youth demographic – have taken to protesting across the country. Their fundamental demand is an end to long-standing food crisis as well as other economic struggles that plague their livelihoods. This information was gathered and reported by Obasanjonews.com.

Tinubu expressed his sorrow over the incident, calling for an immediate halt to the demonstration in his speech regarding this situation.

Complete Address:

As I address you today, my heart is weighed down and burdened with a deep sense of duty. I am conscious of the unrest and aggressive demonstrations that have erupted in certain parts of our nation.

Significantly, the crowd of demonstrators included Nigerian youths who yearned for a more developed and forward-thinking nation that could meet their individual goals, ambitions and aspirations.

The loss of lives in Borno, Jigawa, Kano, Kaduna and other states has caused me great distress. In addition to this tragic outcome, certain public facilities have also been destroyed in some areas along with the reckless looting of supermarkets and shops – completely opposite to protest organisers’ promise for peaceful protests nationwide. The devastation wreaked upon these properties is a serious setback for our country as we now must allocate precious resources towards their restoration once more.

“My sympathy goes out to the families and loved ones of those who have lost their lives during the protests. It is imperative that we put an end to any further loss of life, destruction or violence.”

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As the leader of this nation, it is my duty to safeguard public peace. I am bound by my constitutional pledge to defend every individual’s life and possessions; therefore, our administration will not remain passive while a minority group with a distinct political motive attempts to disintegrate our country.

In light of the situation, I am calling on protesters and organizers to pause their demonstrations and make way for constructive discussions. I have consistently advocated for this approach whenever possible as Nigeria needs everyone regardless of age, political affiliation, ethnicity or religion to join hands in shaping our future together. For those who have opportunistically used these events to intimidate any group within our society – be warned: you will face legal repercussions. There is no room for ethnic prejudice or threats in our vision of a better Nigeria.”

The progression of our democracy depends on the safeguarding and upholding of every Nigerian’s constitutional rights. It is crucial that law enforcement agencies responsibly prioritize protecting innocent citizens’ lives and property at all times.

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I envision a fair and profitable nation where every citizen can relish the tranquility, liberty, and fulfilling profession that solely democratic sound administration is capable of delivering – an administration that is welcoming, clear-cut and answerable to Nigerians.

Our economy has been weak and declining due to various barriers that hinder our growth. Nigeria came to a point where temporary solutions were not enough, as they would only benefit the present at the expense of future generations. As such, I made the difficult choice of ending fuel subsidies and multiple foreign exchange systems which had suffocated our economic development and progress for years.

The implementation of these measures prevented smugglers and rent-seekers from profiting excessively. Additionally, it put a stop to the unwarranted subsidies we had been providing our neighboring countries which adversely affected our economy for years. These actions were necessary in order to reverse the negative economic trend that failed us as a nation. As such, I take full responsibility for my decisions; but rest assured that my entire focus is on delivering good governance to benefit everyone.

Over the last 14 months, our government has made substantial progress reconstructing the economic base to propel us towards a future of prosperity and abundance. We’ve effectively boosted aggregate government revenues on the fiscal front; hitting over 9.1 trillion Naira in H1-2024 compared with H1-2023 by preventing wastages, implementing automation and creatively fundraising without adding extra pressure on citizens. The non-oil sector is becoming more productive while surpassing prior heights amid favorable market conditions.

Dear siblings, we’ve made significant progress. In the past, our nation used to allocate 97% of its revenue towards debt repayment; but over the last thirteen months, we have managed to decrease this figure down to 68%. Additionally, we were able to pay off $5 billion in foreign exchange debts without disrupting any of our projects or plans.

Our increased financial freedom has allowed us to invest more in our citizens, specifically towards essential social services such as education and healthcare. This progress has also resulted in the highest allocations received by State and Local Governments from the Federation Account throughout our country’s history.

” Our government is currently undertaking a number of significant infrastructure projects throughout the nation. In order to ensure our economic prosperity, we’re prioritizing inherited schemes such as highways, bridges, railways and energy development. The noteworthy Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway and Sokoto-Badagry Highway initiatives will connect 16 states resulting in thousands of job opportunities while enhancing trade relationships, tourism prospects and cultural integration.”

Thanks to the reforms I introduced in May 2024, our oil and gas industry has made a remarkable comeback after years of decline. Our petroleum sector is thriving once more with an increased output of 1.61 million barrels per day last month, complemented by renewed focus on our natural gas resources. This revival has also caught the attention of international investors who have shown tremendous interest as evidenced by two massive Foreign Direct Investment deals worth over $500 million signed so far.

As a nation, Nigeria has been fortunate to possess abundant reserves of both oil and gas. However, we inherited an economy that was solely relying on petroleum-based fuels while disregarding the potential benefits offered by natural gas resources.

Not only were we expending our valuable foreign currency in subsidizing these fuel imports but also paying for their consumption. To rectify this issue promptly, we initiated the Compressed Natural Gas Initiative (CNG) with immediate effect aimed at leveraging our compressed natural gases to power transportation systems in order to curtail costs significantly – saving over two trillion Naira monthly previously spent importing PMS and AGO – which can now be utilized more productively towards enhancing essential sectors like healthcare as well as education.

In order to achieve this goal, we plan on distributing one million kits for commercial vehicles that transport people and goods. These kits will be available at an extremely low cost or even free of charge, as these types of vehicles are responsible for using 80% of the imported PMS and AGO fuel supply.

In partnership with the private sector, we have initiated a nationwide distribution of conversion kits and establishment of conversion centers. Through this CNG project, our goal is to lower transportation expenses by about 60%, while also assisting in curbing inflation.

The establishment of the student loan program exemplifies our administration’s dedication to supporting young people. As of now, we have processed payments totaling 45.6 billion Naira for students and their respective educational institutions.

“I urge our energetic young population to seize this opportunity. Our initiative, the Consumer Credit Corporation, has more than N200 billion available to assist Nigerians in obtaining necessary products without requiring immediate cash payment – thus simplifying life for millions of households. This will also lead to less corruption and transparency regarding transactions involving money exchange. Recently, I authorized an additional release of funds; both NELFUND (the student loan program) and the Credit Corporation receive a total of 50 billion naira from EFCC’s recovered crime proceeds.”

Furthermore, we have obtained $620 million through the Digital and Creative Enterprises (IDiCE) initiative – a scheme that empowers our youth by generating millions of IT and technical employment opportunities to enhance their global competitiveness. Within these initiatives lies the 3Million Technical Talents program. Regrettably, one of the digital centers in Kano suffered damage during recent protests; an unfortunate occurrence indeed!

Additionally, the Skill-Up Artisans Programme (SUPA), Nigerian Youth Academy (NIYA), and National Youth Talent Export Programme (NATEP) have been implemented by us.

In addition, a sum exceeding N570 billion has been dispensed to all 36 states for amplifying aid provided to their residents’ livelihoods. Moreover, around 600,000 small-scale micro-businesses have received our nano-grants and are currently reaping its advantages. Approximately another set of 400,000 such enterprises will profit from it in the future as well.

In addition, we have processed 75,000 recipients for our N1 million single-digit interest loans for micro and small businesses. The disbursement will commence this month. Over the course of last year, we established ten MSME hubs that generated employment opportunities totaling to 240k jobs. Furthermore, five additional hubs are underway which shall be completed by October this year.

Large manufacturers are receiving payments of N1 billion each through our single-digit loans program to enhance manufacturing production and promote growth.

Last week, I ensured that the National Minimum Wage became a legal requirement and guaranteed that employees with the lowest wages will be earning no less than N70,000 monthly.

Half a year ago, I launched the initial stage of our lofty housing venture, known as Renewed Hope City and Estate in Karsana located in Abuja. We have planned to create six similar projects throughout different geopolitical areas across the country. Each of these cities will offer at least 1,000 residences with Karsana aiming for an impressive total of 3,212 units.

Apart from the urban developments, we are introducing Renewed Hope Estates in all states. These estates will consist of 500 housing units each, and our objective is to accomplish 100,000 residential properties within three years. This effort aims not only to offer shelter but also generate numerous employment opportunities nationwide while promoting economic advancement.

To encourage farmers to produce more affordable food, we are offering incentives. Additionally, I have ordered the elimination of tariffs and import duties for rice, wheat, maize sorghum as well as pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for the first six months in order to reduce prices.

Meeting with our Governors and key Ministers, we have been expediting food production efforts. Distribution of fertilizers has taken place as we aim to cultivate over 10 million hectares for the crops that sustain us. Incentives from Federal Government will bolster this undertaking while states provide land, ushering in opportunities for millions and driving further agricultural yield. Our recent acquisition of mechanized farming gear–including tractors and planters totaling billions in Naira imported from United States, Belarus, Brazil–is currently en route; I can assure you that delivery is imminent.

To my beloved fellow Nigerians, particularly the youth, your voice has been heard loud and clear. The agony and exasperation fueling these demonstrations are comprehended by me, and I assure you that our administration is devoted to attuning to your grievances and rectifying them.

It is imperative that we prevent violence and destruction from causing division in our country. We should collaborate towards creating a better tomorrow, where every Nigerian has the opportunity to flourish with honor and success.

As your President, I am leading the charge for our collective task at hand. Significant efforts have been made to stabilize our economy and it is my foremost priority to ensure that every Nigerian enjoys the promised benefits without losing focus.

Our national infrastructure is currently undergoing extensive improvement and expansion efforts, while we simultaneously strive to increase opportunities for our nation’s youth.

Do not let anyone deceive or improperly educate you about your nation, nor suggest that its governance lacks concern for its citizens. Despite previous disappointments, we are currently in a time of Revitalized Optimism. We labor diligently on your behalf and soon everyone will witness tangible outcomes to savour and delight in.

Collaborate with one another to construct a more promising tomorrow for both us and future generations. Select optimism over apprehension, coherence above disunity, and development instead of idleness. The economy is rebounding; prevent it from being strangled off completely. Considering we have had democratic governance for the past 25 years, do not allow those who oppose democracy to manipulate you into favoring an unconstitutional plan that will regress our progress on the path towards democracy. ALWAYS BE MOVING FORWARD AND NEVER TAKE A STEP BACK!

To summarize, it is crucial for security personnel to uphold peace, law and order in Nigeria while adhering to human rights protocols that the country has committed to. The utmost priority must be given towards ensuring the safety and protection of all citizens across the nation.

“May we express gratitude to God and appreciation towards you for your attentive presence. Let us pray that our nation continues to receive blessings from the Almighty. Much obliged.”

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