Reasons for giving up revealing outfits- Ashmusy

Amarachi Amusi, often known as Ashmusy, is a well-known social influencer and skit creator. She claims she stopped wearing skimpy clothing to avoid being mistaken for a prostitute.
She was a guest speaker on the podcast Spill with Phyna.
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Ashmusy stated she had to rebrand herself and quit dressing in skimpy costumes after being mistaken for a “runs girl,” citing the expression “You’re addressed the way you dress.”
She claimed that because she showed off her body in her videos, some people thought she was a “runs girl.”
She claims: “I used to wear sexy outfits before I rebranded a few months ago.” A young girl would like to flaunt her figure. I had no idea that I was thought of as a sex worker.
In the interim, I was aware of how hard I was working behind the scenes, managing a company, and capturing advertisements every day. I was able to purchase a house and a car with all of that. When people implied that a male had purchased those items for me, it hurt me.
After seeing her recordings, Ashmusy discovered that the reason people thought that way about her was because of her skimpy attire. She claimed that in an effort to understand why, she had turned inward.
She claimed she didn’t realise her audience was distracted by her jokes and that she was just being silly for them.
In her own words, “I was later in my quiet zone, wondering why, in spite of all my works that people were seeing, I was being judged that way.” When I started watching my films, I saw that my nipples were frequently visible along with the rest of my bare body. I knew I was being silly, but I had no idea that eyes had been diverted by something else. I’ve come to know that dressing appropriately is necessary if one wants to be perceived as a distinguished woman. It is not acceptable to expose (sensitive) bodily parts.