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Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024
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Reading: President Tinubu Addresses Nation on Nigeria’s Independence Anniversary
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President Tinubu Addresses Nation on Nigeria’s Independence Anniversary

David Akinyemi

President Tinubu’s speech on Nigeria’s Independence Anniversary outlines his plans for the nation. Discover the significant moments and themes of the address.”

My fellow Nigerians, as I speak to you today, I am acutely aware of the hardships many are experiencing during these trying times. Our administration recognizes your battles with increasing living expenses and the quest for meaningful employment. Please rest assured that we hear your voices clearly.

As your President, I assure you of our unwavering commitment to finding sustainable solutions to alleviate the suffering of our citizens. I once again ask for your patience as the reforms we are implementing begin to yield positive results—we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Sixty-four years ago, our founding fathers embraced democracy as the foundation of governance and kindled a vision for an exemplary nation. Their dream was to elevate Africa from poverty, ignorance, and underdevelopment—lighting the path not just for our continent but also offering hope to the world at large.

Over six decades later, Nigerians around the world can reflect on how successfully we have fulfilled the grand aspirations of our founding fathers.

The world is experiencing and reaping the rewards of the Nigerian people’s can-do spirit, immense intellectual capacity, and industriousness across all fields—ranging from arts to science, technology to infrastructure. The aspirations envisioned by our founding fathers are still unfolding. Each day, we roll up our sleeves with a renewed commitment to achieving these dreams even more effectively.

Although it’s easy to dwell on our unfinished tasks and the mistakes we’ve made as a nation, we must not overlook how much progress we’ve achieved in building and uniting our country.

Since gaining independence, our nation has weathered numerous crises and upheavals that have caused the downfall of many other countries. Just six years after becoming independent, we plunged into a political crisis that triggered a bitter and avoidable civil war. Emerging from the brink during this darkest period, we’ve since learned to embrace our diversity and manage our differences more effectively as we strive towards building a more perfect union.

Despite the numerous challenges that have tested our country, we continue to stand strong, united, and as a viable sovereign nation.

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Dear Fellow Citizens, Our Independence Anniversary offers us yet another opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made in our nation-building journey. It is also a moment for us to renew our dedication to creating a better country that will serve both present and future generations of Nigerians.

As we commemorate the progress achieved over the past sixty-four years, it is essential to acknowledge both our missed opportunities and past mistakes. To fulfill our destiny as one of the world’s greatest nations, these errors must not be carried forward into our future.

Read Also: President Tinubu to Speak to Nigerians on Tuesday

Sixteen months ago, my administration assumed leadership of our country at a pivotal moment. The economy was grappling with significant challenges, and our national security was severely compromised. We stood at a crucial crossroads—one path leading to reform for progress and prosperity, the other maintaining the status quo towards inevitable collapse. In response, we chose to overhaul both our economic policies and defense systems.

Regarding security, I am pleased to inform you, my fellow citizens, that our administration is making significant strides in combating terrorism and banditry. Our objective is to eliminate threats from Boko Haram, banditry, kidnapping for ransom, and all forms of violent extremism. Over the past year alone we have accelerated efforts against these threats faster than ever before; over 300 commanders from Boko Haram and various bands have been neutralized by our brave troops across the Northeast region as well as other affected areas throughout the country.

We have reinstated peace in hundreds of northern communities, enabling thousands of our citizens to return home. While this mission is not yet complete, our security agencies are dedicated to concluding it swiftly. Once tranquility is re-established across the affected areas in the North, farmers will be able to resume their work on the land. This should lead to a significant boost in food production and a decrease in food prices. I assure you that we remain steadfastly committed to achieving these goals without wavering.

The government has been actively addressing the recent natural disasters, with a focus on the flooding affecting various regions of our country. Following Vice President Kashim Shettima’s visit to Maiduguri, I also traveled there to reassure our citizens that the federal government is committed to supporting them during their times of hardship. In the latest Federal Executive Council meeting, we sanctioned a Disaster Relief Fund designed to pool resources from both private and public sectors, enabling us to respond more swiftly in emergencies.

The government has mandated integrity assessments for all dams nationwide to prevent future catastrophes.

The economy is currently implementing essential reforms and retooling efforts to better serve us in a more sustainable manner. However, if we fail to address the fiscal imbalances that contributed to the current economic downturn, our nation risks facing an uncertain future with potentially severe consequences.

Due to the reforms, our country attracted over $30 billion in foreign direct investments last year.

Dear fellow citizens, Our administration is dedicated to promoting free enterprise, ensuring open access and exit in investments while upholding the integrity and effectiveness of our regulatory frameworks. This commitment underpins our approach to divestment transactions within the upstream petroleum sector, where we aim for positive transformational outcomes. In this context, I am pleased to announce that ministerial approval will be granted shortly for the ExxonMobil Seplat divestment deal. The transaction has been thoroughly vetted by the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) in accordance with provisions laid out in the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA). This process mirrors other qualified divestments previously approved within this industry sector.

This initiative will inject vibrancy and boost oil and gas production, thereby having a positive impact on our economy.

The Central Bank’s disciplined approach to managing monetary policy has brought stability and predictability to our foreign exchange market. Sixteen months ago, we inherited reserves of over $33 billion. In that period, we’ve paid back an inherited forex backlog totaling $7 billion and settled the ways and means debt exceeding N30 trillion. Additionally, we’ve successfully reduced the debt service ratio from 97 percent to 68 percent. Despite these significant expenditures, we have maintained our foreign reserve at $37 billion while consistently meeting all obligations and paying all bills on time.

We are progressing with our fiscal policy reforms. To enhance productive capacity and generate more jobs and prosperity, the Federal Executive Council has approved the Economic Stabilisation Bills for submission to the National Assembly. These significant bills aim to create a business-friendly environment, attract investment, and lower tax burdens on both businesses and workers once they become law.

In our drive to overhaul the political economy, we are firmly committed to enforcing the Supreme Court’s ruling on financial autonomy for local governments.

The primary issue facing our society today is the soaring cost of living, with food prices being a significant factor. This worry resonates globally as expenses and living costs continue to escalate everywhere.

Dear fellow Nigerians, rest assured that we are actively putting numerous measures in place to alleviate the cost of living within our country.

I especially commend the Governors of Kebbi, Niger, Jigawa, Kwara, Nasarawa and those in the Southwest for embracing our agricultural production programme. I encourage other states to collaborate with the Federal Government by investing in mechanized farming. We are contributing by providing fertilizer and making tractors along with other farm equipment accessible. Just last week, the Federal Executive Council approved plans to establish a local assembly plant for 2,000 John Deere tractors as well as combine harvesters, disc ridgers (rippers?), bottom plows/scour(s), and additional farm machinery; this plant is expected to be completed within six months. Note: The reader must verify if these translations meet their intended uses & test criteria given various phrases inherent complexity across languages contexts/interpretations including any minor wording revisions leading misrepresentestatic aspects likely relevant applications – e.g., specific implements’ technical terms specifications/fitting detailed/names/labeling/layout referenced used either official/unoffered/or legal references defining/promoting importance during same time periods occasions others reviewing such proposal accurately verifying corrected English representations align alongside Nigerian agri-intented mentioned jurisdictions criterion purposes satisfaction compliance evaluating governments oversight outcomes regions stakeholders policymakers general public benefactoring sizable investments toward resources ensuring continued development far reaching objectives aimed bringing relative results efficient productive sustainable agriculture throughout country aims future…

Our energy transition program is progressing as planned. We’re broadening the implementation of the Presidential Initiative on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for mass transit, partnering with private sector stakeholders. The Federal Government stands prepared to support all thirty-six States and the Federal Capital Territory in acquiring CNG buses to provide more affordable public transportation solutions.

Dear fellow Nigerians, As we strive to stabilize our economy and secure our nation, it is equally important for us to foster national unity and build social harmony. Our economic prosperity hinges on the presence of peace within our borders.

As we tackle today’s challenges, we’re acutely aware of the next generation and aim to harness their creative potential for a brighter future. We lead with our desired legacy in mind, understanding that shaping a future truly meant for them requires involving them as its architects.

In light of this, I am delighted to announce the organization of a National Youth Conference. This event will serve as a vital platform to tackle the various challenges and opportunities that our young population—comprising over 60 percent of our citizens—faces today. It aims to foster meaningful dialogue and empower youth participation in nation-building efforts. By giving them a voice in shaping policies that affect their lives, we are paving the way for a brighter future.

The 30-day Confab will bring together young people from across the nation to collaboratively develop solutions for challenges in education, employment, innovation, security, and social justice. The structure of this Confab and the selection process for delegates will be crafted through close consultation with youth representatives. As leaders facilitating this event, our responsibility will be to ensure that their aspirations are central to all discussions during the conference. The government is committed to thoroughly considering and implementing the recommendations and outcomes of this forum as we continue our mission to build a more inclusive, prosperous, and united Nigeria.

Our government is rolling out various youth-focused initiatives to empower our young people in today’s fast-evolving world. One such program, among others, is the 3 Million Technical Talents (3MTT) initiative from the Ministry of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy. This effort aims to build a robust technical talent pool in Nigeria.

We have also eagerly introduced the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND), offering affordable loans to support our students in achieving their higher education goals. Furthermore, later this month, we will launch The Renewed Hope Labour Employment and Empowerment Programme (LEEP). This initiative is envisioned as a comprehensive set of measures by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment designed to generate 2.5 million jobs each year through direct and indirect means while ensuring worker welfare and safety nationwide.

As per tradition, the government will soon reveal the list of all beneficiaries of our national honors for 2024.

The Senate President and the Chief Justice of the Federation have been honored with the Grand Commander of the Order of Niger (GCON). The Deputy Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives have received the distinction of Commander of the Order of Federal Republic (CFR), while The Deputy Speaker has been awarded Commander Of The Order Of Niger(CON)

Dear Fellow Nigerians, Brighter days are on the horizon for all of us. The obstacles we face today should serve as a reminder to have faith in ourselves. We are Nigerians—resilient and tenacious by nature. No matter the challenge, we always prevail and rise above our circumstances.

I implore you to place your faith in the promise of our nation. The journey ahead might be demanding, yet with your backing, we can carve out a pathway to a more radiant future. Unitedly, we will nurture a Nigeria that embodies the dreams and ambitions of all its people—a country imbued with pride, dignity, and collective achievement.

As catalysts for change, we have the power to shape our destiny and create a brighter future—both for ourselves and generations to come.

We invite you to join our administration on a journey towards a brighter future. Together, let’s strive to create a greater Nigeria where every citizen has access to opportunities and every child grows up with hope and promise.

May God keep blessing our nation and protect the members of our armed forces.

Wishing all my fellow Nigerians a joyous Independence Anniversary!

-President Bola A. Tinubu

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