In an extraordinary tale of survival, a 7-year-old boy endures five days in a Zimbabwe game park surrounded by lions, emerging unharmed. In an incredible story...
The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) announces a planned blackout in the capital from January 6 to 21 due to critical infrastructure upgrades. From January 6...
Security forces successfully prevent a devastating IED attack, apprehending a key terrorist courier in a critical operation aimed at safeguarding lives. In a significant counter-terrorism achievement,...
A wedding celebration in Jigawa ends in tragedy as the bride is accused of poisoning the reception meal, leaving guests in shock and mourning. A joyous...
A Nigerian family faces devastating hardship as kidnappers demand additional ransom after selling their home and car to secure the release of loved ones. The family...
The MTN CEO reveals that telecom operators are in agreement over a proposed 100% increase in tariffs, citing industry sustainability concerns. Karl Toriola, the Chief Executive...
According to the FCT Police Commissioner, 140 policemen tragically lost their lives in the Federal Capital Territory in 2024. The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) reported that...
Rivers State risks its worst political crisis in years, as Okocha accuses Governor Fubara of fueling division ahead of the 2025 elections. Tony Okocha, the Chairman...
A police officer, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, releases 13 detainees from custody to mark the New Year, raising concerns over security practices and accountability....
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) shares the latest developments on the Kaduna and Second Port Harcourt refineries, including ongoing repairs and expected timelines for full...