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No True Love in Movie Industry, Says Actor Damola Olatunji



Damola Olatunji

The film industry’s abundance of phony love and detrimental competition has been discussed by Damola Olatunji, an actor.

During an honest conversation with Biola Bayo on her program “Talk to B,” he revealed that many attacks directed towards celebrities originate from those working in the same industry. He explained that coworkers use anonymous accounts to troll and sabotage each other.

Olatunji expressed worry about the absence of authentic affection and backing amidst performers, where they often seem to have each other’s best interests in mind while covertly fueling negativity.

His advice to aspiring actors was to develop a “shock absorber” that would help them handle the tough realities of the industry.


“If you’re entering the entertainment industry,” he advised, “it’s essential to have a shock absorber.”

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There is no genuine affection in our industry. While we may enjoy parties and celebrate together by smiling and laughing, the truth is that there’s a lack of love amongst us.

Faceless pages that seem to be from the industry may troll you. It’s unhealthy competition to bring someone down in hopes of rising yourself. Upon analyzing, it is apparent that many such attacks stem from within the very same industry.


The actor emphasized his commitment to concentrate on his personal journey and declining to engage in competition or belittle others for self-improvement purposes.

He added that he doesn’t compete with anyone and instead focuses on running his race at his own pace as much as possible.

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