Music as a stress-reduction aid – Music lovers

Some music aficionados in Abuja urged Nigerians on Friday to develop the habit of listening to music, claiming that it is a therapeutic tool for relaxation and stress management.
Music, they said, influenced brain function and human behaviour, as well as reducing stress, pain, and depression symptoms.
Mr Godwin Ekewmen, a counsellor, stated that the importance of music in people’s lives cannot be overstated, adding that it makes people happy and improves their health and well-being.
Music, according to Ekewmen, can help people recover from despair and anxiety.
According to him, it helps us celebrate happy occasions and console us when we are sad.
“Music can improve mood, reduce pain and anxiety, and facilitate opportunities for emotional expression.”
“Our hospital and palliative care board use certified music therapists to supplement conventional treatment for anxiety and a variety of illnesses and diseases.”
Mr Alfred Garba, a music aficionado, stated that despite life’s obstacles and hardships, music may help a person feel more cheerful and good about life.
According to him, music therapy aids in effective relaxation and stress management, which can assist a person in dealing with any health difficulties.
“I enjoy music; the lyrics of some songs can cause one’s brain to reset.” When I’m feeling depressed about something in my life, listening to beautiful and inspiring music always lifts my spirits,” Garba remarked.
Music, according to Mr Daniel Lemanzon, a medical practitioner, can enhance the brain’s synthesis of the dopamine hormone, which can assist relieve emotions, anxiety, and despair.
According to him, science has established beyond reasonable question that listening to good music can ease stress by activating biochemical stress reducers.
“Music, like exercise, can lift you up when you’re feeling down.” It calms an upset patient, improves mood, and encourages open conversation in patients.
“It also reduces anxiety, blood pressure, pains, and improves sleep quality, mental alertness, and memory,” a medical practitioner added.
Mrs Loveth Momoh, an artiste, stated that in Christendom, when a person listened to spiritual music, his or her countenance would alter, and such a person would feel spiritually elevated and hopeful.
Reading without music, according to Mr Chuks Ngbada, a student at the University of Port Harcourt, is like pouring water into a basket.
“I get faster assimilation when reading with music playing in the background,” Ngbada stated. This has aided me in exams, where I consistently receive high marks.
“I personally can’t live without music; it has helped me in so many ways.” To me, living without music is a pointless existence. (NAN)