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Middle-aged women at greater risk of cancer, according to an expert



According to Dr. Kanu Ekpo, a cancer expert, women between the ages of nine and 45 are often at risk for developing cancer.

He also said that people who continue to engage in sexual activity after the age of 45 need to start preventing cervical and breast cancer.

These cancer types, according to him, are the most prevalent among women.

He spoke during a cancer awareness campaign and medical outreach event put on by the Calabar Chapter of the Nigeria Union of Pensioners’ women’s section.


Ekpo claimed that since no fewer than four cancer cases are detected each week, awareness of breast and cervical malignancies has advanced rapidly.

“Cancer is on the rise, therefore it’s important for women to regularly check their breasts, and obtaining an HPV vaccine is a crucial step in preventing cervical cancer.

We also recommend getting a pap smear, which will look for anomalies in the cervix’s cells, for women between the ages of nine and 45 as well as those who are still sexually active after that age. “Prevention is essential and inexpensive,” he stated.

Ekpo advised women to stay away from having several partners, hormonal contraceptives, alcohol, smoking, and getting the HPV vaccine.


According to the expert, cancer may be treated if it was found early and reported to cancer treatment facilities.

The head of the NUP’s women’s wing, Mrs. Mary Koofrey, expressed gratitude for the instruction they had received and acknowledged the fearsome nature of cancer.

“There are some who still believe that cancer is brought on by evil spirits, but they will become more enlightened when they meet with professionals. They will be aware of what to do first, she said.

Former cancer sufferer Mrs. Otang Isien, a retired Chief Matron with NUP, claimed that before meeting with professionals, she was nearly hopeless and felt as though she had been given the death penalty.

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