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Reading: Kukah Urges Tinubu to Develop Strong Framework and Timetable for Nigeria’s Rebirth
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Kukah Urges Tinubu to Develop Strong Framework and Timetable for Nigeria’s Rebirth

Ehabahe Lawani
Ehabahe Lawani 9 Views

The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, Matthew Hassan Kukah, has issued a compelling call to the federal government, urging the implementation of a robust strategy to foster national healing and reverse Nigeria’s current trajectory. Central to this initiative, he emphasized, must be a deliberate policy of inclusion to dismantle the pervasive culture of nepotism.

Kukah stressed the necessity for the government to devise a comprehensive and transparent recruitment framework aimed at nurturing patriotism and eradicating the detrimental influences of feudalism and prebendalism. “The government must design a more comprehensive and wide-ranging method of recruitment that is transparent as a means of generating patriotism and reversing the ugly face of feudalism and prebendalism,” he asserted.

In his Easter message, Kukah underscored the importance of a clear communications strategy to inspire hope and establish accountable timelines for policy outcomes. He emphasized the need for transparency regarding the implementation of national goals, advocating for clarity on the “Who, What, When, and How” of governmental initiatives to ensure effective governance beyond mere announcements of appointments.

Regarding the security landscape, Kukah expressed skepticism about the efficacy of reorganizing the security architecture, labeling it a tired cliché. He lamented the excessive militarization of civilian life, describing it as incongruent with Nigeria’s democratic ideals. He criticized the overreach of the military, cautioning against its erosion of professionalism and integrity due to its pervasive presence across the nation.

Kukah voiced concern about the blurring lines between military and civilian roles, highlighting the pitfalls of enlisting untrained groups to combat insecurity. He warned against the militarization of society and called for a concerted effort to address insecurity through sustainable measures rather than ad hoc responses.

On the issue of ransom payments to kidnappers and bandits, Kukah applauded the government’s pledge to cease such payments but stressed the need for a comprehensive plan to secure the release of hostages and restore public trust. He urged the government to prioritize the development of strategies to reclaim citizens in captivity and restore Nigeria’s sovereignty.

READ ALSO: Kukah warns Tinubu that failing will not be forgiven by history and God

Furthermore, Kukah urged the government to tackle the root causes of insecurity by addressing governance issues and reducing the exorbitant costs of governance. He called for a holistic approach to agricultural development to revitalize the economy and restore dignity to Nigerians.

Kukah called upon the government to demonstrate a commitment to transparency, accountability, and effective governance. He urged leaders to prioritize the well-being of citizens and work towards building a more inclusive and prosperous nation.

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