Kano and Kaduna Plunge Into Darkness as Vandals Destroy TCN Towers

Large parts of Kano and Kaduna have been left without power after vandals targeted and destroyed Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) towers. Authorities are working to restore electricity and enhance security around critical infrastructure.
Certain areas in Kano and Kaduna states have experienced power outages due to vandals damaging two towers belonging to the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN).
In a statement released on Friday, Ndidi Mbah, the spokesperson for TCN, revealed this information.
As she stated, the damaged facilities—T133 and T136—are located along the 330-kilovolt Shiroro-Kaduna lines 1 and 2.
She mentioned that TCN is preparing to implement the newly acquired emergency restoration system at the site while awaiting the reconstruction of the damaged tower.
Mbah mentioned that temporary steps have been implemented to reinstate bulk power supply in the area.
The statement indicated, “Reports from TCN’s Shiroro Regional office reveal that the first 330kV transmission line tripped initially and was soon followed by the second. As attempts were underway to reclose the first line, local vigilantes were urgently mobilized to patrol the lines.”
This resulted in the discovery of two damaged towers, specifically T133 and T136, with their cables severely compromised at multiple spots.
READ ALSO: Truck Hits TCN Facility, Causes Blackout in Kano
Preparations are well underway to deploy the newly acquired ’emergency restoration system’ to the site, while awaiting the reconstruction of the damaged towers.
In response to the area’s susceptibility to banditry, which significantly threatens TCN installations and personnel, TCN has worked with security forces to carry out an aerial survey.
In the meantime, our engineers have put in place a temporary solution to deliver bulk power to the Kaduna and Kano regions through the 330kV Kaduna – Jos transmission line.
The Shiroro – Kaduna 330kV lines 1 and 2, crucial for transmitting bulk power to parts of the North West region, have been vandalized. Each line has a capacity of carrying 600MW. This act of vandalism on the towers and transmission lines poses a major obstacle to effective bulk power delivery in that area.
Nevertheless, we remain dedicated to reconstructing the towers and reconnecting the transmission lines in order to restore bulk power transmission through both 330kV power lines.
This occurred just a few days after the national grid collapsed and was subsequently restored.