Italian senior citizen successfully defends against migrant thief in Milan

According to Italian news outlets, an Algerian citizen reportedly made an attempt to rob an elderly man in Milan earlier this week. However, despite being armed with a gun, the thief was swiftly subdued by his intended victim, who happened to be the former coach of Italy’s fencing team.
Attilio Fini, a 93-year-old individual, shared his account of the incident with the Corriere news outlet, humorously remarking that his assailant “didn’t know that I devoured the livers of numerous referees on the platform.” Fini served as the head coach for Italy’s national saber team for almost three decades, from the 1970s to the 1990s, and played a significant role in securing several victories for the country, including gold medals at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.
Fini recounted that the incident occurred on Monday evening at Piazza De Agostini in Milan, near his residence. The former coach explained that he was returning from a walk when he was approached by an individual who attempted to rob him. “I realized he was aiming a gun at me. In that moment, he demanded: ‘Give me your money or your watch.’”
Instead of complying with the robber’s demands, Fini immediately fought back. “I punched him in the face, then struck his hand, causing his revolver to fly out of his grasp, and finally pushed him. He ended up getting wedged between some scooters,” the coach recalled. Subsequently, a group of young people intervened and apprehended the criminal while awaiting the arrival of the police.
Fini revealed that his attacker turned out to be an Algerian national who was wanted in his home country for murder. “Not a trivial matter,” Fini emphasized.
The previous coach asserted that his prior experience had aided him in handling the situation, as the choices and reflexes he employed were akin to those required on the fencing platform. “Above all, it was an assault on the opponent’s timing. Just like in saber, when you have to outpace your rival,” Fini elucidated, emphasizing that his instincts urged him to act “immediately.”
Nevertheless, the coach conceded that he was subsequently admonished by his family, who proposed that he should have complied with the robber’s demands instead of jeopardizing his life. “Perhaps they are correct, but let me tell you one thing: it’s the first time I’ve encountered something like this, and I sincerely hope it never recurs,” he remarked, simultaneously acknowledging that if it were to happen again, he would likely respond in the same manner.
Fini underscored that there is an excessive amount of malevolence in society and that safety has become a concern. “Once upon a time, there were local law enforcement officers. Nowadays, you must rely on yourself to protect yourself.”