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Reading: Gov Yusuf begs President Tinubu to Relocate Deposed Emir Bayero
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Gov Yusuf begs President Tinubu to Relocate Deposed Emir Bayero

Ehabahe Lawani
Ehabahe Lawani

The Kano State Government has requested President Bola Tinubu to relocate the deposed 15th Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, from the state. They assert that his presence threatens the peace and stability of Kano’s citizens.

Deputy Governor’s Address on the Chieftaincy Crisis

Deputy Governor Aminu Abdussalam made this appeal on Monday during a press conference addressing the ongoing chieftaincy crisis in Kano. He clarified why the government reinstated the 16th Emir, Sanusi, emphasizing that the state was not officially notified of any court order to maintain the status quo.

Controversy Over Court Order Implementation

Abdussalam highlighted that out of eight respondents named in the court order, only the Inspector General of Police (IGP) was served, while the Kano State Government and other relevant parties were not. He apologized to National Security Adviser Nuhu Ribadu for allegations concerning the provision of aircraft to transport Bayero to Kano.

Accusations Against APC Members

Abdussalam accused certain All Progressives Congress (APC) members of instigating protests over the dissolution of the emirates and the reinstatement of Sanusi. He expressed concerns about directives from higher authorities enforcing the court order, noting that security chiefs were instructed to ensure the order’s implementation despite the state government’s lack of communication.

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Political Motivations Behind Protests

Abdussalam condemned the involvement of opposition politicians in rallying support around the deposed Emir, accusing them of inciting chaos and unrest in Kano. He mentioned incidents where protesters, allegedly backed by political interests, attempted to disrupt peace near the governor’s office.

The State Government’s Actions and Concerns

According to Abdussalam, the repeal of the law concerning the emirates was initially met with public support. However, the situation escalated due to external interference, leading to politically motivated protests. He questioned the selective serving of the court order and the urgency to implement it, suggesting ulterior motives behind these actions.

Appeal for Federal Intervention

The Deputy Governor called on President Tinubu and the National Security Adviser to investigate the situation thoroughly. He urged immediate action to relocate Emir Bayero, citing his continued presence as a security threat. Abdussalam stressed the importance of addressing these issues to restore peace and stability in Kano.

Efforts to Communicate with the Presidency

Deputy Governor Abdussalam mentioned the extensive efforts made by the Kano State Government to inform President Tinubu about the ongoing issues related to the chieftaincy crisis. Despite these efforts, there has been a significant lack of response, further complicating the situation. Abdussalam emphasized the need for the President to take a more active role in addressing the concerns of the Kano State Government and its citizens.

Historical Context of the Chieftaincy Crisis

The chieftaincy crisis in Kano is rooted in a complex history of political and traditional power struggles. The reinstatement of Emir Sanusi and the removal of Emir Bayero are part of a broader narrative that includes changes in the emirate system, political rivalry, and regional power dynamics. Understanding this context is crucial for grasping the full scope of the current tensions.

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Implications for Kano’s Stability

The Kano State Government believes that relocating Emir Bayero is essential for maintaining peace and stability. Abdussalam pointed out that the presence of the deposed Emir continues to be a focal point for unrest, with opposition elements using it as a rallying cry to incite protests and disrupt the peace. The government’s stance is that without addressing this issue, the potential for violence and instability remains high.

Call for National Unity and Support

In his address, Abdussalam appealed not only to President Tinubu but also to the broader Nigerian public and other relevant authorities to support Kano in its efforts to resolve the crisis. He called for national unity in the face of these challenges, emphasizing that the stability of Kano is integral to the stability of Nigeria as a whole.

Moving Forward: A Plan for Peace

The Kano State Government has proposed a series of measures to move forward from the current impasse. These include:

  1. Relocating Emir Bayero: Ensuring his safe and respectful relocation outside of Kano to mitigate the immediate security threat.
  2. Strengthening Communication Channels: Improving communication between state and federal authorities to ensure all actions are well-coordinated and informed.
  3. Community Engagement: Working with local communities to address grievances and promote understanding of the government’s actions.
  4. Monitoring and Security: Enhancing security measures to prevent further unrest and ensure the safety of all citizens.

The chieftaincy crisis in Kano presents a significant challenge for the state government and its citizens. The appeal to President Tinubu to relocate Emir Bayero is seen as a necessary step to restore peace and order. Deputy Governor Abdussalam’s address underscores the urgency of the situation and the need for decisive action from both state and federal authorities. Moving forward, a collaborative approach that includes robust communication, community engagement, and enhanced security will be critical to resolving the crisis and ensuring lasting stability in Kano.

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