Fr. Obayi versus the Catholic Bishop of Nsukka: “Don’t overstep your bounds,” yells Mbaka

Diverse responses continue to be given to the ongoing conflict between Rev. Godfrey Onah, the catholic bishop of Nsukka Diocese, and Rev. Fr. Paul Obayi, who is also known as Fr. Okunerere.
In Nsukka, Enugu State, Obayi serves as the ministry’s spiritual leader.
Fr. Obayi, who oversees a prayer ministry akin to Mbaka’s, reported that the diocese’s church leadership was mistreating him.
He claimed to have given the church everything, but the church wanted to kill him.
“The church is my vineyard; I love the church; I especially love my Nsukka (Catholic) church; I love the bishop; I love the priests; I love them; but they are oppressing me.”
“I give the church everything, yet the church wants to choke me. But it’s impossible!
He declared, “I’m leaving the Catholic Church right now because the church doesn’t want me back.”
He said that some priests broke down the entrance gate to the Adoration Ministry while claiming to be carrying out the Bishop’s instructions.
His protest has continued to spark debate on social media, with different people adopting different sides.
Mbaka, who is renowned for speaking up when necessary, then intervened, urging those mistreating Obayi to stop or face the repercussions of their behaviour, which he described as a “sin against the Holy Spirit.”
The fiery cleric stated that he would always be noticed because, according to him, his other priests constantly deserted him whenever he encountered similar oppression.
He commanded that Obayi be protected from what he called “attacks and forces of darkness, whims and caprices of hawks, vultures, and serpents”.
Mbaka added, “When you have not verified what a man of God is doing, you begin to blackmail and misinterpret it,” in a subtly critical statement of the Bishop.
“Has somebody given you folks a task? Recognise when you have gone too far. What about God? Why are you a fraud?”
The demons that Okunerere cast after you people if you shut down his adoration ministry. This voice has to be heard by everyone. I am their older brother, and these are the children who were given to me.
The cleric declared, “We need more Father Okunereres—soul-winners. You struck a kid while telling him not to weep. So who are you? God created you just as you are. And heaven will take away all it has given you if you use the power God gave you to oppress his messenger. Better make amends.
Mbaka bemoaned the fact that numerous other priests were suffering and bleeding as a result of the treatment given to them by church authorities.
Many, he claimed, departed the seminary “burning for God,” but unhappily, the flame was always put out after they were consecrated priests.
“I am speaking to Nsukka people,” he claimed. I’m not speaking to anyone specifically. If Nsukka as a people remain silent and Father Obayi is nowhere to be discovered, many people will perish before such a good thing as him comes to you. I am aware that what I have said will cause a lot of commotion.
“Father Obayi is good, even though he’s not the best. He has been so successful in bringing people to God. He shouldn’t be mishandled, ever. This young man should not be left to the whims and caprices of hawks, vultures, and serpents by those who are supposed to protect him against attacks and forces of darkness.
“Father Obayi shouldn’t be in danger from a predator. That young man has to be protected, according to the diocesan senior shepherd. Both the anguish of compensation and the delivery of a dead kid to Obayi are unacceptable.
“However, I shall caution my fellow priest to resist temptations to resign from the ministry. He should display courage, perseverance, and resolve. His efforts won’t ever go in useless.
“I’ve been trying to reach him on the phone, but I’ve been unable. I am responding via social media because I noticed the item there. You should concentrate on Jesus as he appears in the Eucharist. You are safe with Him, Father. He will protect you from the shadowy valleys of death. He’ll protect you.
“Remember that you have tormented many devils, therefore they cannot abandon you unmolested. The devil can employ numerous people to counterattack you.
“Those who are torturing Obayi ought to be aware that he is not obliged to weep for you guys. What was fortunate for Nsukka. Nsukka residents, why did you remain silent? Are you saying that it doesn’t bother you? There is someone you lose, and when you can no longer find him, heaven’s wrath and rage will be upon you.
Do you even realise what is taking place to you? People of Nsukka, be on guard!
“Galatians 6:17 states, “From this point forward, do not bother me. I carry Jesus’ wounds within my body. Allow Fr. Obayi to concentrate, focus, devote himself to the work of God, and be used as a deliverer or a healer by ceasing to bother him. He has been sacrificing; let him now sacrifice himself.
“I have a really close relationship with Father Paul. Let him be corrected if there is any area where he is lacking. But he has excelled in a number of areas. And God’s people adore him. No one should be envious of him. You cannot carry out his actions.
READ ALSO: Peter Obi: Voice of prophesy cannot be silenced by social media – Fr. Mbaka
If such a man might convert to Christianity from the occult and then experience bullying in his Christian home, where would he turn? What will the just man do if the foundation is demolished, according to the Bible? (Psalm 11:3). Because the wicked will not be allowed to rule over the territory given to the just. Otherwise, the good will be compelled to aid the bad.
“Nothing has been done to those who brought poverty and hardship to the land. To the bad people in society, nothing has been done. In the meantime, the God-sent messenger has been compelled to sob in the presence of God for no reason.
“It is simple to criticise me, and I will put up with it; nevertheless, you cannot criticise a fellow prophet, and I will remain mute. He should not once more cry for you guys, whoever is torturing Obayi.
“You know, a lot of priests were silent during my tough time. Not any longer. The Holy Spirit has authorised me to speak. Stop harassing God’s men.
“Why do you despise those who are able to pray? Why do you despise charismatically anointed people? Do you belong somewhere? Nsukka, are you folks still quiet? Father Paul should not suffer any harm. No town would be illiterate. The Catholic Church is not an ignorant religion.
“He needs to be inspired. He requires our prayers and help. We must adore him. He truly is a man of God. Where he made mistakes, he should be corrected, but not to the point where he bleeds in church.
“A tsunami is striking the Catholic Church. We are losing members at a rate of millions to Pentecostals and gifted priests who will act as magnets to draw the members who have been stolen away by idolaters back. Many have entered cults and occults, and we are losing members. Many no longer have faith in the church’s leadership; this is the reality. Instead of strategizing on soul-winning and effective evangelization.
The demons that Okunerere cast after you people if you shut down his adoration ministry. This voice has to be heard by everyone.
“What’s the issue? You are free to misinterpret me when you hear this, but if you go overboard, heaven will be appalled. I don’t care about your identity. Nothing but evil exists. You people need to stop destroying churches. More soul-winners like Father Okunerere are what we need.
Not just Father Okunerere, but other priests are also distressed and weeping. Reverend fathers don’t get married and don’t have kids. Therefore, we must pray for our priests.
The Catholic Church in Nigeria will start looking for individuals like those they are currently killing in the future, but it will be challenging to locate them.
Jesus warned that all sins might be pardoned except those committed against the Holy Spirit.
“When you haven’t checked what a man of God is doing, you start to misunderstand it and use it as leverage. Has someone given you folks a task? Recognise when you have gone too far. What about God? Why are you a fraud?
“Let me end here because I know what I’ve said will bring up a lot of other issues. If you have the strength, you can leave. various priests are bleeding across various dioceses. They would mess up after emerging from the seminary’s oven hot and anointed, prepared to labour and pray and be holy.
Remember that Mbaka and his Enugu Catholic Bishop, Most Reverend Callistus Onaga, have been engaged in a number of ongoing disputes regarding the operations of his ministry.
The final occurred in June 2022 when the Bishop ordered the closure of the Adoration Ministry.
The bishop forbade all of the members from participating in the adoration ministry in a letter that he personally signed and addressed to “All the Clery, Religious and Lay Faithful in the Catholic Diocese of Enugu.”
The letter stated that it was being sent “in the light of the happenings in the Catholic Adoration Ministry Chaplaincy Enugu, capable of undermining the Catholic faith and teachings and after several fraternal corrections and admonitions to Fr. Ejike Mbaka, the Chaplain of the Ministry.”
“After providing him with pastoral instructions and standards for the Ministry Chaplaincy, which he repeatedly disregarded.
I hereby forbid all Catholics (clergy, religious, and lay faithful) from attending any religious or liturgical activities of the Catholic Adoration Ministry going forward until the proper canonical process started by the Diocese is completed. This is in fulfilment of my pastoral duties as the Chief Shepherd with the obligation to promote and safeguard the Catholic faith and morals in Enugu Diocese.
Onaga stated, “My choice is based on the reality that some of Fr. Mbaka’s teachings and statements at the Catholic Adoration Ministry are not consistent with the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church.
This was a response to the problems between Mbaka and Mr. Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s then-nominee for president.
Remember how the priest predicted that Obi, whom he called “a stingy man,” would not win the election during one of the adoration events.
Mbaka’s transfer to the monastery was made public about four months after the ministry was shut down.
Additionally, it was revealed that Rev. Fr. Anthony Amadi will serve as the Adoration Ministry Chaplain.
But Mbaka’s supporters protested the choice, and the adorers, as Mbaka’s supporters are affectionately known, prevented Fr. Amadi from taking over.
Mbaka was given permission to continue his ministry’s work in January of this year.