Drama Unfolds: VeryDarkMan’s Shocking Refusal to Apologize to Obi Cubana
Verydarkman, a controversial critic, has stood firm in his refusal to apologize or remove a scathing post targeting billionaire businessman Obi Cubana, despite pressure from blogger Tunde Ednut and a mutual friend.
In his post, Verydarkman criticized Obi Cubana for advising blogs against featuring younger individuals who disrespect their elders, claiming that Obi Cubana does not contribute to the betterment of society’s youth.
Tunde Ednut attempted to mediate the situation by urging Verydarkman to delete the post in the interest of peace, but Verydarkman adamantly declined, stating that he would rather die than apologize or remove it. Additionally, the contentious critic issued a warning, threatening to expose private conversations of anyone who intervenes on behalf of Obi Cubana.
He emphasized that his allegiance lies with his ancestors and God, not with money or individuals. Verydarkman concluded his statement by asserting that if anyone desires an apology, they should apologize to him first.