Country from Central Africa wants to join the BRICS

A trade representative tells RT that DR Congo would gain from cooperation with the group of rising economies.
A Congolese trade official told RT on Tuesday that joining BRICS would open up new prospects for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and would assist the nation to strengthen its economic connections with other BRICS members.
The group of significant rising economies offers an alternative to international organisations that are dominated by Western powers, according to Thierry Naweji Kankwala, Executive Chairman of the South Africa-DR Congo Chamber of Commerce. He pointed out that the DRC would gain advantages from joining BRICS, which now consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, including expanded commerce and access to development financing.
“We’re on that path because being a friend of the BRICS already means a lot. We share ideals and the same region. Speaking on the sidelines of the BRICS conference in Johannesburg, Kankwala asserted, “I believe DRC will definitely be a part of the BRICS countries.
According to South Africa, which will host the BRICS Summit in 2023, more than 40 nations have indicated interest in participating, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Algeria, Indonesia, Egypt, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kazakhstan.
Increasing the significance of national currencies in commerce between emerging economies, particularly in the Global South, is one of the main topics on the agenda.
Kankwala emphasised the critical need of conducting settlements in non-Western currencies for the growth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He stated that the “DRC cannot afford the monopoly of the US dollar” and needs an alternative to the dollar and the euro.
The official went on to say that the DRC will gain from the development of a multipolar international trading system that will enable African nations to have independent resource trade policies.
“We require that our resource trade with the BRICS countries expand. For the expansion of its infrastructure and other economic developments, the DRC also depends on the BRICS nations, he said.