Telegram founder’s claim of having over 100 children surprises many, bringing his personal life into the spotlight. In 12 countries, Pavel Durov has acknowledged that he...
Former President Trump has consented to be interviewed by the FBI regarding the ongoing investigation into an assassination attempt. On Monday, the agency announced that Donald...
The UK is dealing with a £22 billion overspend as a result of Tory financial policies, according to the Chancellor’s statement. Accusing the Conservatives of avoiding...
Following a controversial election, Venezuela experiences significant protests, highlighting tensions and unrest. On Monday, after the electoral commission declared Nicolas Maduro as president for another six-year...
America’s national debt exceeds $35 trillion, highlighting significant fiscal challenges and the need for economic reforms. On Monday, the US House Budget Committee declared that the...
Seoul spy agency names the likely successor to Kim Jong-un, providing a glimpse into potential leadership changes in North Korea. Bloomberg reports that South Korea’s spy...
Poland’s recommendation for Hungary to depart from NATO and the EU reflects deepening divisions within the alliances. On Sunday, Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Teofil Bartoszewski...
A poll reveals that a significant portion of Americans want Biden to resign now, showcasing prevailing public sentiment. A Rasmussen Reports survey indicates that a significant...
Israel warns Erdogan, indicating that his current trajectory could result in an outcome similar to Saddam Hussein’s. The Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz has cautioned Turkish...
A number of NATO nations, including the United States, have released advisories cautioning their citizens to promptly exit Lebanon due to a looming all-out conflict anticipated...