Tensions flared as fighting broke out during a France-Israel football match, disrupting the game and drawing widespread attention. The clashes marred the event, leading to calls...
The editor of America’s oldest magazine has stepped down after backlash over a controversial anti-Trump rant. The incident has sparked debates about journalistic neutrality and the...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin engage in their first direct phone conversation in two years, discussing key global issues. On Friday, Russian...
Israeli airstrikes target areas near Beirut’s airport while a passenger plane remains on the tarmac, raising international concern. According to a video published by Sputnik Arabic...
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has instructed the mass production of kamikaze drones, escalating military advancements amid growing tensions. Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea,...
Leading climate experts criticize the effectiveness of UN climate talks, urging reforms to address urgent environmental challenges more effectively. Key experts, including a former UN secretary-general...
In his first address since election night, Donald Trump names Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Health Secretary, signaling potential shifts in U.S. health policy. Donald Trump...
A bomb has exploded outside Brazil’s Supreme Court, prompting security concerns and an investigation into the attack. On Wednesday evening, two bombs exploded near government buildings...
Donald Trump announces his pick for Secretary of State, signaling key shifts in U.S. foreign policy and diplomatic priorities. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Florida...
The U.S. government urges an end to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, emphasizing the need for peace and humanitarian relief. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken...