Anambra hunters successfully rescued kidnapped siblings, thwarting the kidnappers’ plans. Discover how these brave hunters made the rescue possible. Two siblings who were abducted by armed...
Police detectives are actively searching for the abductors of 20 university students, intensifying efforts to secure their safe release. Additional detectives have been dispatched to Benue...
Troops successfully thwart a terrorist attack in Kaduna, killing 2 assailants. Discover how the forces prevented the attack and ensured safety. Under the auspices of Operation...
A Vietnam-bound businessman excretes cocaine as NDLEA discovers drugs concealed in noodles at Lagos airport. Get the full story on this drug bust. Paul Mbadugha, a...
The abductors of over 20 medical students in Benue have demanded a ₦50 million ransom for their release, according to the Students’ Union Government (SUG). The...
Gunmen launch a deadly attack on a police checkpoint, killing an officer. Discover the details of this tragic and violent incident. A checkpoint near the Nnobi...
Bandits brutally kill a governor’s aide and his wife in a tragic attack. Learn more about the incident and its implications. Gunmen, suspected to be bandits,...
A Kwara court has convicted 40 individuals for indiscriminate refuse dumping and illegal scavenging activities. On Friday, 40 individuals were given a three-month jail sentence each...
Anambra commissioner and his wife were kidnapped, and one person was killed by gunmen while en route to Abuja. Unknown gunmen have abducted Patrick Aghamba, the...
A woman has been arrested after police discovered an AK-47 and ammunition hidden in a bag of garri. The Special Tactical Squad (STS) has arrested Hauwa...