Despite rampant rumors on social media, Seun Okinbaloye, a renowned host at Channels Television, has not received any termination from the network. Farooq Kperogi, a well-known...
Reno Omokri challenges Dele Momodu’s perspective on Nigeria’s economy. Discover the key points of their debate and differing opinions. Reno Omokri, a former aide to ex-President...
According to Umahi, the FG plans to build a 6-lane super highway connecting 5 states and the FCT. Learn about the project’s scope and expected impact....
Atiku and Sani urge lawmakers to cut their salaries and allowances amid economic challenges. Find out more about their call for action. According to Shehu Sani,...
Learn about the Senate’s proposal to create an Electoral Commission dedicated to Local Government Areas (LGAs). Explore how this initiative aims to enhance local governance and...
Labour unions accept the Nigerian government’s offer of a N70,000 minimum wage. Learn about the agreement and its potential impact. The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and...
In order to alleviate suffering, representatives have decided to decrease their pay by 50% for a duration of six months. To bolster food sufficiency nationwide and...
President Tinubu approves N70,000 minimum wage. Learn about the implications for workers and the economy in Nigeria following this significant decision. The new National Minimum Wage...
Zamfara government successfully prosecutes bandits and their associates. Learn about the crackdown and its impact on regional security. According to Abdulraziz Sani, the Attorney-General and Commissioner...
Gov Diri praises Tinubu for following the federal character principle in the Head of Service appointment. Understand the importance of this action. The appointment of Dame...