Eniola Ajao, a prominent figure in Nollywood as both an actress and filmmaker, recently shared her thoughts on the controversial sentencing of Bobrisky by Justice Abimbola...
Tolani Baj, a former contestant on the popular reality show Big Brother Naija and a disc jockey, recently expressed her admiration for the controversial figure, Bobrisky....
Female American rappers have now entered the ongoing feud within the hip-hop community, adding a new layer to the conflict that has been predominantly male-dominated in...
Oladips, the popular rapper also known as Oladipupo Oladimeji, has expressed his disappointment regarding the skepticism surrounding his “death and resurrection.” Previously, his management had announced...
Vee, the Big Brother Naija reality star and actress, expressed her views on the complexities of dating in Lagos. She highlighted that the dynamics of human...
Korra Obidi, a Nigerian performer known for her talents in dancing, singing, and influencing social media, faced a harrowing experience during a live-stream in the United...
Three additional bodies have been recovered by the police authorities in Anambra State following a tragic boat accident that involved a movie cast. Among the victims...
There was a commotion in the courtroom last Friday when Bobrisky, the well-known crossdresser, admitted to being male. The crossdresser has sparked debates regarding his gender...
The controversy surrounding the death of the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, also known as Mohbad, and the paternity of his son, Liam Aloba, has been escalating....
The President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Emeka Rollas, has sadly confirmed the passing of Nollywood actor, John Paul Odonwodo, also known as Junior Pope....