Yul Edochie, a polarizing figure in the entertainment industry, recently shared his profound insights on pain, referring to it as a valuable teacher. In the wake...
In response to the tragic boat accident that resulted in the loss of five film workers, including the renowned actor Junior Pope, the Actors Guild of...
Pelumi Nubi, a well-known figure in the media industry, recently embarked on a remarkable solo journey from London to Lagos. In a candid interview with Punch,...
Mary Remmy Njoku, a renowned actress and filmmaker, recently expressed her disapproval towards the tendency of blaming widows for their husbands’ deaths. Through her Instagram platform,...
Adanma Luke, the producer of the movie Junior Pope was filming before the tragic incident that led to his death, has faced criticism in the aftermath...
Mike Edwards, a former Big Brother Naija reality star, recently revealed his decision to venture into the realm of professional boxing. The announcement was made public...
The burial date for the late Nollywood actor, John Okafor, has been announced by his family. Prior to his passing, Mr Ibu had his leg amputated...
Ugezu Ugezu, a veteran actor and filmmaker, has responded to the alarming number of deaths occurring in the Nigerian movie industry. In an Instagram post, Ugezu...
Aisha Yesufu, a well-known social activist, has criticized the famous crossdresser, Bobrisky, for admitting guilt to the charge of naira mutilation. Justice Abimbola Awogboro recently sentenced...
Nollywood actor Denola Grey has expressed his belief that crossdresser Bobrisky’s recent jail sentence is not solely related to the offense of naira abuse for which...