Nana Otedola, the mother of the renowned DJ Cuppy, expressed her heartfelt prayers for her daughter to discover her soulmate. The ecstatic music sensation took to...
Doyinsola Anuoluwapo David, a controversial reality star known as Doyin, has expressed her preference for a husband who can financially support the hiring of domestic workers....
Nigerian singer, Oludipe Oluwasanmi David, popularly known as Spryo, recently shared his admiration for Big Brother Naija reality star Nengi Hampson, as he recounted his first...
Doyinsola Anuoluwapo David, popularly known as Doyin, a controversial figure from Big Brother Naija, has expressed her disapproval of women choosing to be full-time housewives in...
Sean Combs, also known as Diddy, a prominent American rapper and music executive, has publicly apologized for his actions in a video where he was seen...
Segun Olusemo, popularly known as Sheggz from Big Brother Naija, expressed his belief that sharing financial responsibilities equally with a partner is disrespectful. During an appearance...
Oritsefemi Majemite Ekele, also known as Oritsefemi, proudly stated that he played a significant role in the success of his fellow musicians, including Wizkid, Burna Boy,...
Burna Boy, also known as Damini Ogulu, has once again stirred up discussions about who holds the title of the biggest artist in Nigeria. This time,...
Oritsefemi, a popular singer, has made a claim that Nollywood actress Caroline Danjuma, also known as Carolyna Hutchings, was legally married to Tagbo Umeike, a late...
Anthony Awotoye, also known as Tony Tetuila, a former member of the disbanded Afrobeats group, Remedies, remains in a state of shock following a generous gesture...