The late Indian rapper Sidhu Moose Wala played a part in the artistic failure of Grammy-winning Nigerian vocalist Damini Ogulu, also known as Burna Boy. He...
Kess, a reality television personality on Big Brother Naija, is married to Della Moralles, who has admitted that their union was a fraud. Della, who accused...
Tolanibaj, a contestant on the Big Brother Naija Reality Show, made fun of Christy O, a coworker, amid claims that the latter is having an affair...
Somadina Anyama, aka Soma, a contestant on Big Brother Naija Reality Show, has disclosed that several of his coworkers have advised him to end his relationship...
Israel Afeare, nicknamed Israel DMW, a singer and Davido’s logistics manager, has shared his story of escaping a kidnapping some time ago. He and three other...
‘Best Afrobeats’ is a brand-new category that will be included at the 2023 MTV Europe Music Awards. The 2023 MTV EMAs nominees, which were made public...
Azeez Fashola, also known as Naira Marley, and Lagos socialite Balogun Eletu, also known as Sam Larry, were remanded to police custody by a magistrate court...
Following his refusal to accept a police invitation that had been successfully sent to him since the start of the investigation into the circumstances leading to...
Tonto Dikeh, a well-known Nollywood actress who later entered politics, claims that Naira Marley, the owner of Marlian Records, is supported by significant political figures. After...
Veteran Nigerian record producer and vocalist Samklef, also known as Samuel Oguachuba, has charged renowned performer and music mogul Banky W with instigating the cancel culture...