Naira Marley, the Nigerian musician also known as Afeez Fashola, recently released two new tracks titled “Wahala” and “OMO.” This marks his first official public engagement...
Funke Akindele, a well-known actress in Nollywood, responded to a troll who suggested that she get married again by 2024. According to Obasanjo News24, Akindele originally...
Wizkid, the popular Afrobeats musician, has reportedly purchased a brand-new Ferrari SF90 for over a billion naira. The news was shared on Instagram by the well-known...
Show promoter Paul Okoye, also known as Paulo, has proposed a celebrity boxing match to settle the ongoing social media feud between actress Iyabo Ojo and...
Terry G, the Nigerian singer also known as the ‘Akpako Master’, has proudly announced that he has successfully abstained from smoking for 100 days. Read Also:...
Zlatan Ibile, the Nigerian singer and rapper, revealed that his career took a major turn with his 2017 collaboration with Olamide on the song ‘My Body’....
Johnny Drilles, the Nigerian singer, took to his Instagram account to share the joyous news of his daughter’s birth. Read Also: Give up or face death...
Alibaba, the renowned comedian, has asserted that he is the mastermind behind most of the jokes told by Nigerian comedians. Despite the fact that he has...
Charles Okocha, a well-known actor in the Nigerian film industry, has called for the cancellation of his scheduled boxing match against controversial singer Portable. The match,...
Prominent Nollywood actress, Ini Edo, who is 41 years old, has revealed that she remains unmarried because she is still searching for a partner who genuinely...