The Federal Government, through Minister Wale Edun, has announced the procurement of imported staple foods to mitigate ongoing shortages. Discover the details and the government’s plan...
Nigerians express frustration as Hamster Kombat fails to deliver the promised payouts, leading to disappointment and anger among players. Read the full story. Unexpectedly, the much...
The Central Bank of Nigeria has approved a new foreign exchange sale rate of N1,590 per dollar for Bureau De Change operators, impacting the FX market...
Cardoso highlights the negative impact of excessive money printing and the crash in oil prices on Nigeria’s economy. Discover the economic challenges and potential solutions. The...
Fuel prices in Nigeria have skyrocketed to N2,500 as the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) shuts down petrol stations in response to escalating costs....
The Nigerian government is set to supply 12 million barrels of crude oil to the Dangote Refinery in October, marking a key milestone in the country’s...
NERC has revealed that the number of unmetered electricity customers in Nigeria has surged to 7.3 million, raising concerns about billing transparency and power sector reforms....
The Central Bank of Nigeria reports that the Naira has fallen by 51.5% against the dollar in the past year under Cardoso’s leadership. Explore the implications...
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reveals that Nigerians faced a 66% increase in the price of cooking gas in August 2024. Discover the factors behind...
Dangote Refinery is set to meet with fuel marketers to discuss direct petrol lifting and potential price reductions, aiming to stabilize the market. Learn more about...