At an event in Abuja on Tuesday, the head of the IPC said that 250 journalists were attacked during the 2019 elections. He also said that...
Even though there have been many mass shootings, Congress has repeatedly refused to renew a ban on assault rifles that ran out in 2004. Tuesday, after...
On Tuesday, an Ikeja Sexual Offenses and Domestic Violence Court gave preacher Adam Farouk eight life sentences for defiling eight students in his class. According to...
Jacinda Ardern’s successor as head of the ruling party and as prime minister of New Zealand will be the former COVID minister. Chris Hipkins, a former...
The last few years of the eradication campaign, which is being coordinated by the US Carter Center, will be the “most difficult,” according to experts. According...
According to news sources, Berlin will deploy combat tanks to Ukraine and permit other nations to reexport tanks built in Germany to Kyiv. After weeks of...
The administration of President Joe Biden has charged the big tech giant with abusing its control over the online advertising market. President Joe Biden’s administration has...
According to the government of Rwanda, on Tuesday, a fighter plane from the Democratic Republic of the Congo breached its airspace, causing its defence forces to...
On Monday, the Senate underlined its displeasure with state legislatures’ actions that tended to undermine the plan for local government autonomy. At its meeting on Tuesday...
16 people were saved by Operation Forest Sanity personnel during operations on the Birnin Gwari-Kaduna Road and at a location in the Igabi LGA. This was...