A tragic incident unfolded in Nasarawa state as a drunk driver fatally struck three sisters, claiming their lives. The driver, under the influence of alcohol, lost...
Iran reportedly utilized kamikaze drones and various long-range ballistic missiles to conduct a series of attacks on Israel recently, as per local media sources. The Israel...
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has emphasized the need for utmost restraint, cautioning that the entire Middle East is on the verge of a full-scale war following...
Israel’s military announced on Sunday that two additional brigades will be mobilized for operations in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that more reservists are...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided against launching immediate retaliatory strikes against Iran after a phone call with US President Joe Biden on Saturday night, as...
Israel conducted airstrike deep inside Lebanese territory, targeting Hezbollah positions across the country amidst escalating tensions following Iran’s attack on Israel over the weekend. The Israel...
US President Joe Biden informed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the United States would not endorse retaliatory strikes against Iran following the recent missile and...
Former US President Donald Trump, who is currently the leading Republican candidate for the November race, has claimed that US President Joe Biden shares responsibility for...
The US Navy has found itself subject to ridicule and mockery following a recent gun blunder. The incident, which has gained attention on social media platforms,...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asserted success in thwarting an alleged Iranian attack on Israeli territory. Netanyahu’s claim follows a period of heightened tensions between...