As tensions rise in Bolivia, a former president’s hunger strike has sparked widespread riots among his followers, bringing chaos to the streets. On Friday, former Bolivian...
In a recent statement, North Korea declared its intention to reinforce its nuclear forces, signaling determination despite international pressure. Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui has stated that...
The deployment of US nuclear-capable bombers to the Middle East underscores increasing tensions and highlights a reinforced military presence in the region. The Pentagon has announced...
Arsenal’s title ambitions took a hit after a disappointing performance led to a defeat by Newcastle, raising questions about their championship drive. Newcastle dealt a significant...
The supreme leader of Iran has pledged a decisive response to potential Israeli attacks, signaling heightened security tensions. Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, has cautioned Israel...
A prominent northern group has voiced support for President Tinubu’s stance against the NEC’s decision on the tax reform bill, endorsing his push for a revised...
In a controversial move, Guinea’s junta leader has promoted himself to the rank of army general, reinforcing his authority within the nation’s military hierarchy. Guinea’s junta...
Nigerian soldiers have captured notorious bandit kingpin Habu Dogo, a significant move in ongoing efforts to curb banditry and restore security. During recent operations in Sokoto...
Kemi Badenoch, born in Nigeria, has risen to the position of Conservative Party leader in the UK, marking a historic moment and bringing fresh perspectives to...
UNICEF has started a large-scale vaccination campaign targeting 9.8 million children in northern Nigeria, focusing on protecting against polio and measles. The United Nations Children’s Fund...