The funeral proceedings for the late Chief of Army Staff, Lagbaja, have officially begun in Abuja, with military honors and tributes from across the nation. The...
In a strategic move, Edo State Governor Okpebholo appoints an Oshiomhole loyalist as Chief of Staff, signaling strengthened political collaboration. A few days after Governor Monday...
Former Nigerian Senator, Murray-Bruce, opens up about being swindled out of $3.5 million by his South African business partner in a shocking revelation. Ben Murray-Bruce, a...
In Senegal’s latest parliamentary elections, former political rivals go head-to-head once again, making for an intense contest with significant implications. This weekend’s parliamentary elections in Senegal...
The Supreme Court upholds the validity of the EFCC Act, dismissing a lawsuit challenging its establishment. This decision reinforces the agency’s legal framework. The Supreme Court...
The National Judicial Council (NJC) suspends judges from Rivers and Anambra States and recommends two additional judges for compulsory retirement over misconduct. Justices G. C. Aguma...
Discover how integrating sustainable business practices can drive growth, reduce costs, and ensure long-term success in today’s competitive market. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, sustainable...
Pastor E.A. Adeboye credits divine intervention for stabilizing Nigeria’s economy, claiming the dollar could have hit ₦10,000 without God’s grace. Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer...
Ahead of the Ondo gubernatorial election, police heighten security measures, deploying officers across all 18 local government areas to ensure peaceful voting. The Nigeria Police Force...
In a move to address environmental concerns, Lagos authorities demolish 138 shanties at Ajao Estate Canal, enforcing urban planning regulations. On Thursday, the Lagos Environmental Sanitation...