A devastating fire at an Indian hospital has resulted in the tragic loss of ten newborns. Authorities are investigating the cause of this heartbreaking incident. A...
After six harrowing years in Boko Haram captivity, a brave nurse escapes, while another woman reunites with family, bringing home a child born from a forced...
Atalanta has revealed the asking price for Nigerian star Ademola Lookman as transfer rumors heat up. Which club will secure his signature? According to Il Corriere...
Jake Paul secures a contentious victory against boxing legend Mike Tyson in a thrilling bout that has sparked debates among fans and analysts. YouTuber-turned-fighter Jake Paul...
Ondo State residents head to the polls in a highly anticipated gubernatorial election to select their next governor. Find out more about the voting process and...
Get ready for the Ondo election with this simple step-by-step guide on how to vote. Ensure your vote counts by following these easy instructions. Residents of...
Nigeria’s inflation rate surged to 33.88% in October, marking the highest level this year. Key drivers include rising food prices and transportation costs, prompting concerns over...
Ondo State citizens are out in large numbers to cast their votes for the next governor. The election promises to be pivotal, with security tightened and...
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has criticized Human Rights Watch (HRW) for alleged factual inaccuracies in a recent report on the ongoing conflict. The IDF claims...
Peruvian protesters set US flags ablaze during heated demonstrations, expressing dissent against perceived foreign influence. The dramatic scenes underscore rising tensions and anti-American sentiment in the...