Alarmist New Year’s prophecies are once again prohibited by the Ghanaian police

Alarmist new-year predictions are still prohibited, according to the Ghana Police Service, and offenders will face punishment.
On New Year’s Eve, people gather in different churches to hear what their spiritual leaders have to say about the coming year.
However, the police forbade “misleading” new year prophecies in churches last year, claiming they might lead to panic and could threaten lives.
The police claim that the ban is still in effect one year after the change.
In a statement released on Tuesday, the Ghana police said, “A year ago today, on December 27, 2021, the Ghana police service brought the law about communicating prophecies to the attention of the general public, especially members of the religious community, and urged them to follow the law to keep security and law and order in the country.
“We want to thank the general public, especially religious organisations, for their assistance throughout the years by exercising caution, being aware of the law, and using legal channels to inform the affected about prophesies.
This has made it much easier for people to openly talk about their faith without worrying too much about their safety or ability to stay alive.
Ghana is truly appreciative of the religious community, and especially the religious leaders, for their patriotic assessment of the situation.
As 2022 comes to an end, we would like to once more implore the general public, especially faith-based organisations, to maintain conformity with the law as it relates to the dissemination of prophesies.
“Let us continue to remember that while we have the freedom to practise our religion, freedom of worship, and free expression, this right must not be exercised at the expense of other people’s rights or the general welfare.”