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Africa has suffered more from religion, according to filmmaker Austin Faani



Chacha Eke’s spouse, Austin Faani, a well-known Nigerian director and actor, claims that religion in Africa has caused more harm than good.

This was spoken by Faani as he discussed some of the sacrifices he had to make because his wife had a mental illness.

Speaking at the Chacha-owned Meticulous People Foundation Outreach, which deals with mental illness, Faani described how a pastor tricked him into offering goat sacrifices in an effort to heal his wife.

The cosmos sent “Austin Faani” my way because they knew I would need “saving,” according to Chacha Eke, who posted the video on her Instagram page.


I’m a highly religious person, yet I think religion has hurt Africans more than anything else, he added.

“I went her to a church in November 2012 because the preacher suggested that I kill something for her after I mentioned that my father-in-law had sacrificed numerous cows for her. So I hurried to the Abraka market and purchased her a large goat, but at the end of the day, she continued to experience the same problem.

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