Adeyanju Warns Nigerian Leaders: Country Heading for Hardship Like Bangladesh

Activist Deji Adeyanju cautions Nigerian leaders, drawing parallels to Bangladesh’s economic struggles, and warns of impending hardship if corrective measures aren’t taken.
Deji Adeyanju, a Nigerian lawyer and activist, has raised concern that Nigeria is headed towards disaster as its citizens struggle with the challenge of obtaining basic necessities like food and survival.
According to Adeyanju, the Nigerian government ought to find solace in the numerous protests being proclaimed as it highlights the difficulties faced by its citizens.
During an interview with Al-Jazeera, the activist on the frontline advised Nigerian leaders to learn from their counterparts in Bangladesh.
Adeyanju believes that this nation is on the path to destruction because a breaking point will inevitably be reached.
When individuals are unable to sustain themselves through basic necessities, such as food, their mere survival becomes a challenge and eventually leads to protests becoming unavoidable.
The events in Bangladesh have demonstrated that when people are pushed to their limits, they will inevitably find a way to rise again.
The government has the good fortune that a protest was planned with a specified date and location. However, they are yet to realize their misfortune as a result of this circumstance.
Politicians seem to believe they are immune to the plight of their country. A clever analogy was shared, which I’d like to echo: those on the upper deck of the Titanic were unaware of what those belowdecks endured as it sank.
“The individuals within the economy were already aware of the sinking ship and experiencing suffocation under water pressure.”