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Reading: Watch: First Alleged Images of Attack on Slovak PM
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Watch: First Alleged Images of Attack on Slovak PM


Online images are being shared that claim to depict the immediate aftermath of the assault on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico.

The incident occurred after Fico participated in a government meeting in Handlova. Local press reports indicate that he sustained four gunshot wounds to his abdomen and chest.

Due to the urgency of the situation, a helicopter was dispatched to transport him to a hospital in Banska Bystrica, as it would have taken too long to fly him to the capital, Bratislava.

One video seems to capture the moment when security officers and bystanders subdued the attacker, while another shows Fico’s security detail carrying him to his car and placing him inside.

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Various circulating images suggest that the assailant was dressed in a gray shirt and jeans.

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