Saturday, Jun 29, 2024
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Reading: The motives that led me to pull the trigger on my police boyfriend
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The motives that led me to pull the trigger on my police boyfriend

Ehabahe Lawani
Ehabahe Lawani

A 23-year-old woman named Amanda Ugo has reportedly confessed to killing her boyfriend, a police corporal named Cosmas Ugwu, during a heated argument in his room at the Area Command Barrack in Ezinihitte-Mbaise.

According to Amanda, she grabbed Corporal Ugwu’s revolver, which had the breach number 5199225, and shot him three times in the chest and hand during the scuffle.

The police were alerted by the gunshots and found Corporal Ugwu lying injured on the floor. He was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately succumbed to his injuries.

Amanda was arrested at the scene and admitted to the crime during interrogation. The pistol used in the incident was also recovered from her possession.

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